College Of Business & Economics E-Bulletin

Dr. Neeraj
Assistant professor -Department of Management
First of all I would like to thank everybody for supporting the ideology of “Focus Bulletin”.
My inspiration for starting this Bulletin was our Vision Statement of the University –““Wollega University aspires to be one of the top 25 universities in Africa by 2025 EC””.
“Focus Bulletin” is an attempt to support our vision statement. All contributions whether big or small do matter ,so my request to all is to please do not hesitate to share your constructive Ideas.
In the next year it is planned to increase the scope of this bulletin to students who excel in Academics, so that they can be recognized and motivated.
I thank the Top Management and the Academic Committee of College of Business and Economic for approving this concept and for giving their valuable suggestions.
It’s my belief that -Be the change, you want. Don’t ask what the University can do for you but ask first what you can do for the University.
I leave you with these thoughts and request all of you to use this recognition platform to fulfill your goals and dreams.